I have a question, it may be kinda stupid, I want to know how LSST’s pipeline do astrometry,and I want to read and modify these codes, and finally use them to do astrometry for other observatory’s images, and I follow the Command editting
(lsst-scipipe-0.7.0) [yu@localhost astrom]$ which singleFrameDriver.py ~/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py38_4.9.2-0.7.0/Linux64/pipe_drivers/22.0.0+26c05adf09/bin/singleFrameDriver.py
(lsst-scipipe-0.7.0) [yu@localhost astrom]$ cat ~/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py38_4.9.2-0.7.0/Linux64/pipe_drivers/22.0.0+26c05adf09/bin/singleFrameDriver.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
from lsst.pipe.drivers.singleFrameDriver import SingleFrameDriverTask
And I opened the lsst.pipe.drivers.singleFrameDriver
, find it inherits from BatchParrelTask
,which inherits from BatchCmdLineTask
, then to CmdLineTask
, and finally to Task
. I find no footprint that use the package in
(lsst-scipipe-0.7.0) [yu@localhost astrom]$ pwd
(lsst-scipipe-0.7.0) [yu@localhost astrom]$ ls
approximateWcs.py pessimisticPatternMatcherUtils.cc
astrometry.py pessimisticPatternMatcherUtils.so
denormalizeMatches.py polynomialTransform.cc
directMatch.py polynomialTransform.so
display.py __pycache__
fitAffineWcs.py ref_match.py
fitSipDistortion.py scaledPolynomialTransformFitter.cc
fitTanSipWcs.py scaledPolynomialTransformFitter.so
__init__.py SConscript
makeMatchStatistics.cc setMatchDistance.py
makeMatchStatistics.so sip
matchOptimisticB sipTransform.cc
matchOptimisticBTask.py sipTransform.so
matchPessimisticB.py verifyWcs.py
pessimistic_pattern_matcher_b_3D.py version.py
Parts of these must be applied to the images in some sequence while doing the astrometry.
So, how can I know how LSST’s do astrometry? What packages did it call? And the order of them?
Thank you!