Information about the templates in the alert packet


If I look at the latest alert schema

I do not find any information regarding the templates used to construct the alert. For ZTF, there was for example a number of fields that turned out to be useful in many occasions to inspect e.g. weird behaviors in lightcurves due to e.g. a change of templates :

jdstartref: Observation Julian date of latest exposure used to generate reference image [days]
jdendref: Observation Julian date of earliest exposure used to generate reference image [days]
nframesref: Number of frames (epochal images) used to generate reference image

Is it something that could be also added for Rubin?

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It’s a useful suggestion, @JulienPeloton. It will I think require some pipelines infrastructure work–we’ll investigate.


Hi! I would also like to ask about how to build the “corrected” photometry from the information in the alert. Each diaSource has the flux value of the difference image (psf, aperture, and its errors), but I’m not sure where in the alert is the template photometry, so we can add the template flux or compute the corrected magnitude of the observation.


Each DIASource has scienceFlux measurement which is a forced PSF measurement on the direct science image. I think that quantity should be equivalent or better to a difference + template flux.

Thanks for the info!
Should we expect the alert packet avro schema to match the Alert Production Database schema?