K correction in the LSST filters


I am currently looking for the best way to perform k-corrections in the DP0.2/ DC2 galaxies, using the 6 bands LSST magnitudes. I have tried using the Blanton’s ‘kcorrect’ module, and compared my results with the k-corrected absolute magnitudes in the Cosmo-DC2 catalogs, it works fine till z<1, but fails at high redhshift.
I was wondering if there is some other approach that can be used ?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Vibhore, first off, a quick disclaimer—I’m not a high-redshift galaxy expert. However, I believe the limited performance of Blanton’s method at z>1 is expected due to the redshift range covered by the spectral templates used in their study. Hopefully, someone with more experience in k-corrections can provide additional insights. Apologies that I can’t be more helpful!

Hi @galaxyumi331, thank you very much for your reply. Yes, it seems that’s the limitation we have right now using the Blanton’s method. Hopefully, people working on high redshift galaxies with LSST/ DP0 can give some idea on how it can be dealt with.