Lasair does not show existing TNS report of object


I wanted to ask about a specific object (ZTF24abjfuew). I am running a query based on objects reported to the TNS and this object does not appear on my list since Lasair says it has not been reported to the TNS. However, it has been reported as AT 2024wsd.

It would be great if this could be checked (for this case in particular and in general) so the community does not to miss potentially interesting objects.

Thank you very much,

Hi @Eduardo_Concepcion, thanks for the question. It’s possible that Larsair may take a little time to update the TNS info, but perhaps @roy can provide some insight on this.

The problem is that the object was reported to TNS (Sep 25) before Lasair got any data, which was Oct 8. Lasair checks the new TNS objects against all existing ZTF objects, but not the other way around so it wasn’t connected. The discoverer is ZTF, but clearly from the larger private part of ZTF, rather than the public data that Lasair has access to.

Some numbers:
There are 148,491 objects in the TNS. Lasair has seen 77,054 of these by the process above. I have rerun the full crossmatch and now there are 77,831 matches. So the on-the-fly crossmatch has missed about 1% of the matches.

We should perhaps rebuild the crossmatch more often.
Anyway now you will find your object has the TNS match listed
at ZTF24abjfuew

Thanks @roy, for your informative response.