Lasair watchlist with large search radius versus watchmap

Hi, I want to define Lasair filters for a given field of several degree search radius. What is it more efficient, a watchlist with the large search radius or a watchmap of the same sly region?


Hi Ismael
Both watchlist and watchmap are implemented as MOC files. So for running time, no difference. But can you help me too? What is this region of the sky that you mention? Is it an existing survey footprint? Nearby galaxies? Tell me …

Thanks Roy.

I’m experimenting with filters + watchlist / watchmap of the LSST DDFs

Is there a maximum search radius for watchlists?



I think the maximum radius is 1000 arc seconds but maybe you can just try and see if there is a problem with larger? The Lasair team has asked Rubin if each alert could be identified by which campaign its from, so you would simply specify campaign='DDF'. Not sure if this will happen though.

Thanks Roy,

it looks like the maximum default search radius for Lasair (ZTF) watchlists is 360 arcsec. If one tries to define a larger value it is set to 360.

“ The watchlist contains 4 sources with a default association radius of 360.0 arcsec ….”
