As part of a greater strategy(*) to improve DM’s documentation, we have begun to transition some of DM’s change-controlled documents out of their Word and LibreOffice source forms and into GitHub-backed reStructuredText documents that are continuously distributed to the web.
Please note that the official versions of these documents reside in LSST’s Docushare repository. When these GitHub-backed documents are updated and approved, a new official version will be deposited in Docushare.
We should make sure that the canonical versions (which these actually are) are given release numbers and marked as such while master is marked as an unofficial draft only.
We can have readthedocs build ‘release’ branches; those could be annotated as official on the webpage, whereas the master is marked as an unofficial draft.
Should the pages also point to the deposition in Docushare (i.e., a link near the top)? I guess the officially sanctioned versions will be printed to PDF and put in docushare?