The “shared stack” on lsst-dev has been refreshed so that it is now based on devtoolset-8. The new stack can be found at /software/lsstsw/stack_20191001
. It currently contains weekly w_2019_38
and daily d_2019_09_30
; it will be updated with new weeklies as they become available. It also contains the following “bonus” packages:
- cx_Oracle (from Conda)
- Git LFS (declared using EUPS)
- dask (from Conda)
- pyarrow (from Conda)
- ipdb (from Conda
-c conda-forge
Please follow-up to this post with any requests for further packages to be added.
The old stack, based on devtoolset-6 and containing weeklies w_2019_12
through w_2019_38
and daily w_2019_09_30
will remain available at /software/lsstsw/stack_20190330
for the time being, but won’t be regularly updated.
will always be a symlink to the latest stack.
Refer to the Refer to the Developer Guide for further details.