The “shared stack” on lsst-dev has been updated to reflect the changes to the Conda environment described in RFC-584.
The new stack contains weeklies from w_2019_12 onwards. It is available at /software/lsstsw/stack_20190330.
The old stack contains weeklies from w_2018_41 to w_2019_12, as well as the v17_0 and v17_0_1 releases. It will no longer be updated. It is available at /software/lsstsw/stack_20181012.
The symbolic link /software/lsstsw/stack will always point to the most recent shared stack.
I’ll keep a note on this thread of additional packages that get installed into the shared stack in response to requests like this one, so that we can track whether we want to keep adding them on an ad-hoc basis in future, or have them provided by the system or by the standard Conda environment. So far, we have:
cx_Oracle, requested by @natelust, installed using Conda;
Git LFS, requested by @hsinfang, declared using EUPS;
dask, requested by @sophiereed, installed using Conda;
pyarrow, requested by @timothydmorton, installed using Conda;
ipdb, requested by @natelust, installed using Conda (-c conda-forge);
pytorch, requested by @fred3m, installed using Conda (-c pytorch) (removed for causing segfaults).