Missing Dataset Type Error


I am following the Tutorials on the LSST Science Pipeline. I followed the steps exactly for each tutorial, except step 3 which was about visualisation. In Tutorial part 5, when I run

pipetask run --register-dataset-types \
-b $RC2_SUBSET_DIR/SMALL_HSC/butler.yaml \
-i u/$USER/warps \
-o u/$USER/coadds \
-p $DRP_PIPE_DIR/pipelines/HSC/DRP-RC2_subset.yaml#assembleCoadd \
-d "skymap = 'hsc_rings_v1' AND tract = 9813 AND patch in (38, 39, 40, 41)" \
-j  7

I get the following error,

 File "/home/lunaeaqua/Research/lsstsw/stack/lsst-scipipe-9.0.0/Linux64/daf_butler/g1ba37b057b+071c5ee9f7/python/lsst/daf/butler/registry/sql_registry.py", line 1917, in _standardize_query_dataset_args
    raise MissingDatasetTypeError(
lsst.daf.butler._exceptions.MissingDatasetTypeError: "Dataset type(s) ['deepCoaddVisits'] are not registered."

How can I solve this?

I solved it. Apparently one needs to run with #selectDeepCoaddVisits after #makeWrap, before running with #assembleCoadd which is skipped in the documentation.


Could you please elaborate.

Thank you

Hi Ilya, would you mind describing what more information you want about this missing dataset type error?

Perhaps @Aysu might also be able to provide more context to their fix.

Thanks both!

Hi, I’m confused by " run with #selectDeepCoaddVisits after #makeWrap, before running with #assembleCoadd which is skipped in the documentation. ". is this about running pipestack once or is this about different steps?

Thank you.

Hi, I’m sorry, I’ve been busy in AAS this week. I am traveling back today, I will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Between these two pipesask run in the screenshot, I had to run the first one with #selectDeepCoaddVisits before running the second one.


Thanks, Aysu! @VenIl , I hope that addresses your inquiry.

Thank you for your response.

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