Missing Fields in DP0 catalogue

For astrometric detection of exoplanet candidates, we need a time series including time (barycentric julian date), position (RA and DEC), proper motion and parallax.

Upon examining LSST Database Baseline Schema (LDM-153) and Data Products Definition Document (LSE-163), the closest source for time series data seems to reside in diaObject. However, the diaObject table described in LDM-153 and LSE-163 does not match the diaObject table that currently exists in the DP0.2 database. I understand from The LSST DESC DC2 Simulated Sky Survey that values were not sythesized for proper motion and parallax in DP0. I may be wrong in this but I assume that the fields need to be in the table if I inject synthetic proper motion and other astrometric data.

Am I safe to assume that the operational databases will have schemas and tables exactly as described in LDM-153 and LSE-163?

Note: “Several of the future data products (e.g., specific table columns) that are listed in the DPDD are not available for DP0.” This quote is from the web site for DP0.2 Data Products Definition Document but does not stipulate which specific table columns.

Hi Suber,

You are correct that the DC2 and therefore the diaObject table that is currently accessible in the DP0 does not contain proper motion and parallax. The tables and table contents described in in LDM-153 and LSE-163 are what is expected to be available in the future, which does include information about parallax and other astrometric data.

It seems you are interested in simulating your own astrometric data, but could you expand on this part of your question?

Since we will not have operational LSST astrometry data for quite some time, I am considering using GAIA data as stand-ins for LSST during early development and testing. The GAIA data seems to map fairly well to what is expected in diaObject. Not exactly, but similar. I’m not sure if we need to inject the GAIA (manipulated to meet LSST schema) or if we can settle on a solution that uses direct data from the GAIA catalog into code that will join that data with other LSST data. So, I’m unsettled at this point, as to whether we’re looking for insertion. In any case, your response may have settled the question. I didn’t want to go down a path of assuming that the fields will be there in the future if there is no guarantee that they will be.