Hello. We have a new member on our (international) in-kind team. She would like to use the RSP. Can she have an account, even considering she is not officially in the data rights holders list yet? (because it gets refreshed every year or so).
Hi @nsevilla, yes absolutley, new international in-kind team members with Rubin data rights can get their Rubin Science Platform account before their name appears on the International Data Rights Holders List (IDRHL).
Please have your new member follow the instructions at the link below. During step 8 “Data rights verification”, Rubin staff will reach out to them by email to verify data rights. The instructions in that email will ask for an email confirming their data rights from the in-kind Program Manager (or the PI, if the new member is a JA). This process can be expedited by having this email sent in advance to Heather Shaughnessy.