Newbie question: no data found in 314 sq deg cone at -30 deg south

I’ve decided to jump in head first with a simple query, just to get some initial feeling for the simulated data currently available. The following ADQL query for looking for objects well in the equatorial south, in a cone of radius 10 degrees, gave me No Data Found:

SELECT coord_dec,coord_ra,deblend_nChild,footprintArea,g_ap03Flux,g_ap03Flux_flag,g_ap03FluxErr,g_decl 
FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object 
WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', coord_ra, coord_dec),CIRCLE('ICRS', 180, -30, 10))=1

What is my error? Which part of the documentation is most likely to help me?


Hi Boud - The simulated catalog only covers a small (~300 deg^2) region of sky. If you look at Figure 15 of the DC2 overview paper you can see a map of the sky area that was simulated (or check a brief summary of the DP0.2 data products at this link).

It looks like if you switch the coordinates (e.g., to RA~60 deg) you should be fine.

Thanks, that looks fine and makes sense. :slight_smile: Within 0.0314 sq deg I now found 212 simulated objects. No point trying to get a list of 2e6 objects, at least not right now.