Not-Exclusive-Nodes with bps.ctrl.parsl


I’ve been using bps.ctrl.parsl to submit batch-jobs via Slurm and have run into a continuing issue where, once created, the submission scripts have the #SBATCH --exclusive flag which prevents the job from exiting the queue due to QOS-limits at my institution. For the time being I’ve been doing the not-so-great solution of hard-coding exclusive=False in SlurmProvider on my installation (appending it to the provider’s arguments in line 161-167 in ctrl_bps_parsl/python/lsst/…/sites/ just so that I can continue submitting jobs… but I’ve been wondering if there is a better solution.

I’ve tried adjusting the .yaml config for bps, including:

computeSite: slurm
    class: lsst.ctrl.bps.parsl.sites.Slurm
    nodes: 5
    cores_per_node: 5
    mem_per_node: 35
    walltime: "24:00:00"
        exclusive: False

Along with the following (which I know shouldn’t work… but decided to try it just in case):

        provider_options: {"exclusive" : False}

But the --exclusive flag has still persisted unless it is hardcoded in SlurmProvider… is there a mistake that I’ve been making or is this a bug? This issue has been persisting since bps.ctrl.parsl was added to official releases (v25_0_2), I’m currently using v26_0_0.

Thank you for the help!

It looks like the current version of the ctrl_bps_parsl does not support passing custom provider options to its Slurm executor.

Disclaimer: I’m not the author of the plugin nor its frequent user so there’s a non-zero chance that I might have missed something.

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That’s correct. We could add support for that (I wonder how the values would be validated, but maybe that’s not important if the user takes complete responsibility for it), or you could add a subclass of Slurm to support your particular site.

Here’s a subclass implementation I’m using that modifies provider_options the way you want:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List

import os

from parsl.executors.base import ParslExecutor
from parsl.launchers import SrunLauncher

from lsst.ctrl.bps.parsl.configuration import get_bps_config_value
from lsst.ctrl.bps.parsl.sites import Slurm

__all__ = ("Hyak",)

class Hyak(Slurm):
    def get_executors(self) -> List[ParslExecutor]:    
        max_blocks = get_bps_config_value(, "max_blocks", int, 2)
        return [
                    launcher=SrunLauncher(overrides="-K0 -k"),

    def select_executor(self, job: "ParslJob") -> str:
        """Get the ``label`` of the executor to use to execute a job

        job : `ParslJob`
            Job to be executed.

        label : `str`
            Label of executor to use to execute ``job``.
        return "hyak"

I have this file available in a module called proc_lsst and allow it to be imported by setting the PYTHONPATH=/path/to/proc_lsst (after LSST stack setup) and I run bps submit submit.yaml with a submit YAML that specifies the site like so:

# submit.yaml
computeSite: hyak
    class: proc_lsst.Hyak
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Hi @antenglert , just wanted to follow up with you on your post to check if @stevenstetzler’s response has addressed your issues.