Onboarding information for new Data Rights holders


When a person becomes a new Data Rights Holder, is there a web page or similar that explains what project resources they can (or cannot) have access to (eg Slack, an account on https://project.lsst.org/, …).

Thanks in advance for any response to this.



Hi Terry (@tms-epcc), thanks for this question.

There is not a webpage for data rights holders specifically, but the Rubin Data Policy is the document that describes how Rubin data rights holders can access proprietary data and have an account for the Rubin Science Platform. In addition, some of the 8 LSST Science Collaborations are only open to Rubin data rights holders.

Otherwise, all Rubin resources for scientists are compiled at For Scientists | Rubin Observatory.

I’ll put some more information about the Science Collaborations, Slack, and project.lsst.org below. If you’re looking for any specific information, please don’t hesitate to reply or start a new thread here in the Forum, anytime.

  • LSST Science Collaborations. New members are welcome. Visit any of the Science Collaborations’ webpages to find out how to join and whether holding Rubin data rights is a requirement.

  • LSSTC Slack. This Slack space is not restricted to data rights holders. As I understand it, access to the LSSTC Slack space is typically part of the onboarding process for those who join an LSST Science Collaboration – but anyone who is a member of that Slack space can invite others to join, as long as they agree to the Code of Conduct. Let me know if you need an invite.

  • project.lsst.org. In general, accounts here are part of the Rubin staff onboarding process. There are some special cases, e.g., accounts for the annual Rubin Community Workshop webpage https://project.lsst.org/meetings/rubin-2024, which are made by individuals in order to register and participate in the workshop. The workshop is not restricted to data rights holders.

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Many thanks Melissa for the reply and explanation. This is very helpful.

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