OpSim Reference Run (minion_1016)


I am trying to access the observational strategy input for the DC2 catalogues, and I find that the page hosting the OpSim information and documentations (minion_1016 minion_1016 Reference Simulated Survey) seem to contain a lot of dead links, e.g. the table description in the readme file and the browsable MAF results. Does anyone know where I can find these information? Are they the same as one can find here (http://astro-lsst-01.astro.washington.edu:8080/?runId=35)?

The reason I am looking into this is that I would like to match DC2 objects with their respective observational conditions. If there is a catalogue that already exists somewhere, that would also be very helpful.


Hi! We’ve been talking on slack (@yoachim caught your request) but for anyone else who may be curious about similar problems:

We generally keep the current and previous simulation releases online at http://astro-lsst-01.astro.washington.edu:8080 and http://astro-lsst-01.astro.washington.edu:8081. Older baselines are available by request, or on docushare however.
In particular, minion_1016 is available on docushare along with the MAF outputs of the time at minion_1016 Reference Simulated Survey
(If necessary, we can pop these online at astro-lsst-01 too).

However, for detailed comparison with DC2 outputs, it may be best to get the DESC DC2 specific copy of minion_1016 from DESC. This is because for DC2, an afterburner dither for each field was applied, as the opsim outputs of the time did not include dithers. The dither pattern is re-creatable (see https://github.com/LSSTDESC/DC2_visitList/blob/master/DC2visitGen/notebooks/DESC_Dithers.ipynb) however if high precision is desired, getting the original copy is better as it will remove any concern over re-creating random numbers in the dither offsets.

It may also be worth noting that the DC2 version of minion_1016 used the original sky brightness values that were available when the simulation was run; we have since changed the sky brightness model and these values could be post-processed into the file, but should not for comparison to DC2. (this may be mostly for survey strategy team members, since we did do this post-processing for comparison to later baselines, but probably most community members don’t have to worry about it).

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And to prevent this from being lost to the slack history …
there is a copy of the visits used in DESC DC2 in particular at
(this includes the dithered field pointings, as used in DC2, and includes only the visits that were in the simulation).

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And in case it’s relevant to anyone else - here is an example of how you could run MAF metrics on this opsimv3 database with our current version of rubin_sim.

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A quick followup:
with the move of the LSST simulation data from NCSA to the USDF, the new link is here:
