Problems exporting files from "LSST stable" stack

Extreme newbie question: I’m working with the stack at and I’m having difficulty exporting file. I’ve created output as a text file that is saved in the stack, but I don’t see how to actually export this file to my machine. The export notebook as menu options are grayed out and I don’t see any other commands that seem to do this.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Select the file in the file browser (top icon on the left side vertical stack) , right-click, download.

The export notebook options should not be grayed out (although I see that PDF export is broken at the moment). Which stack are you running?

Thanks! That worked. I’m running ‘Plot_shapes.ipynb.’

I meant, which notebook image? Daily? Weekly? Release?

Sorry- daily.

Weird. What browser are you using? Chrome (MacOS, 74.0.3729.157), has all of the exports enabled for me on today’s daily (but PDF doesn’t work).

I’m using Safari.