Quick routines for cutting on redshift in DP0?

Hi All,
My name is Charlotte Olsen. I’m a Catalyst Fellow at CUNY and I’m working with a student to do some sample identification in DP0. We’re looking to isolate a sample of galaxies within a certain mass and redshift range, but we’re struggling with making the redshift cut. We’re aware that the DC2 catalogs have redshift information, but we need provisional DESC membership to access those.

I’m sure there’s a quick workaround that exists for this and I just haven’t yet found it! If you’ve already gone through this and uploaded something about it to the GitHub would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction? If you haven’t but have some helpful ideas would you share them? Thank you in advance :smile:

Hi @charlotte_astronomy - the DP0.2 notebook tutorial 08 (DP02_08_Truth_Tables.ipynb) demonstrates how to use the truth data for the DESC’s DC2 data set to do things like extract redshifts from the truth tables and match to the DP0.2 Object catalog. It may be a good place to find what you’re looking for. Tutorial notebook 13a (DP02_13a_Image_Cutout_SciDemo.ipynb) also does something similar but with a color selection first for getting a sample of high-redshift galaxies. It may be another useful resource.

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Thank you so much! This is just what we were looking for!!