Request For Power Token


I am a PhD student using Lasair to download a large amount of ZTF lightcurves of core-collapse supernova. I am doing so to conduct a project studying bayesian analysis on extracting lightcurve features. I would like to download O(1000) lightcurves, but I am being blocked by the regular token limits.

If possible I would love a power token to conduct this research.

Hi @sod2112 , I also added a tag “ztf” to draw people’s attention. There are some previous posts related to Lasair and they could be helpful. Search results for 'Lasair' - Rubin Observatory LSST Community forum

Hi Stan
I have put you in the power users group. Please also use the cache mechanism that Lasair has.

L = lasair(settings.API_TOKEN, cache=cache_dir)

When you start the API, give the cache argument, which is a directory. Now you can run over and over and it will be much quicker because it uses what was fetched earlier.

Hi @sod2112 - I just wanted to check to see if your issue was addressed with @roy’s fix?