Rubin Science Assembly, Thu 16 May 2024 at 9 AM PDT: How to use the Rubin Image Cutout Service

Please join this week’s Rubin Science Assembly. (See this topic for more info on Rubin Science Assemblies.)

How to use the Rubin Image Cutout Service
This week’s presenter, Christina Williams (NOIRLab), will demonstrate how to use the Rubin Image Cutout Service with DP0.2, based on the DP0.2 tutorial notebook DP02_13a entitled “ DP02_13a_Image_Cutout_SciDemo

Thursday, May 16 at 9 AM Pacific 2024-05-16T16:00:00Z.

Zoom connection:

New delegates are welcome! See the Getting started with Data Preview 0 checklist for info about becoming a delegate and accessing DP0 data.

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Hi, is there a recording of this session? Thanks

Yes we recorded it! It should be available sometime next week, and we will post the link in reply here.

Summary and Recording of the Rubin Science Assembly, 16 May 2024 – How to use the Rubin Image Cutout Service

The Rubin Science Assembly on Thursday, 16 May 2024 featured a presentation by Christina Williams. The presentation demonstrated how to use the Rubin Image Cutout Service and its functionality in the Notebook Aspect for DP0.2.

The following video of the Assembly is available on our Youtube channel:

See the schedule of upcoming events for additional Rubin Science Assemblies.