The fifth DP0.1 Delegate Assembly took place on Friday, September 24. Yusra AlSayyad, a member of the Rubin Data Production team, provided an overview of the LSST data pipelines, illustrating the process via which raw data from the Rubin Observatory is turned to calibrated images as well as source catalogs by executing a series of tasks. The presentation continued with illustrating the resulting data products via one of the DP0 Jupyter notebooks. This was notebook 5, “Intro to Source Detection” which provides a brief introduction to running the LSST Science Pipelines - specifically, source detection, measurement, and deblending algorithms.
The slide set shown by Dr. AlSayyad can be found here and the recording of this tutorial can be found at this link.
After a brief break, during which several delegates showed their “profiles,” or one-slide summaries of their research interests, Dr. AlSayyad continued presenting some more details of the pipeline process. The second part of her presentation also took place in the main zoom room, to allow for the recording, and is available in the recording listed above.
The next DP0 Delegate Assembly will be on Friday October 8, and will cover the image visualization. The presenter will be Dr. Keith Bechtol (member of the Rubin Observatory Commissioning team). We also hope to continue with presentations of the delegate profiles.