I have noticed that there is a large range of time that an ADQL query can take. At 8am US central time the query takes 2 seconds but later in the day it takes many minutes or sometimes doesn’t finish at all. I see from other posts that this is a known issue. I am guessing this is related to the number of users and jobs currently using the RSP. Is there any way for an user to know how many people are using the platform at a time so as to estimate whether now is a good time to do a query? Below is the query I ran:
SELECT fs.coord_ra, fs.coord_dec, ccd.visitId, ccd.detector, fs.forcedSourceId, fs.objectId, fs.ccdVisitId, fs.detect_isPrimary,
fs.band, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(fs.psfFlux) as psfMag, ccd.obsStartMJD, scisql_nanojanskyToAbMag(obj.r_psfFlux) as obj_rpsfMag, obj.r_extendedness
FROM dp02_dc2_catalogs.ForcedSource as fs
JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.CcdVisit as ccd ON fs.ccdVisitId = ccd.ccdVisitId
JOIN dp02_dc2_catalogs.Object as obj ON fs.objectId = obj.objectId WHERE obj.coord_ra
BETWEEN 59.58 AND 59.96 AND obj.coord_dec BETWEEN -36.95 AND -36.65 AND obj.detect_isPrimary = 1 AND fs.band = 'r' AND ccd.visitId = 1185205
AND ccd.detector = 82