I am trying to transfer datasets from a repo that has processed data (raws, calexps, coadds, difference exposures), and I am interested in moving the difference exposures to a new repository. My reason for doing this is that the existing repo is owned by a different user on our server, and I do not necessarily have write permissions to their registry/datastore so I can do my own processing.
I thought this would be straightforward with:
butler transfer-datasets ${OLD_REPO} ${NEW_REPO} -d "*differenceExp" --collections ${COLLECTION} --register-dataset-types
however this fails, (I think) because the new butler repo does not have the same (or any) visits defined:
$ butler transfer-datasets /epyc/users/smotherh/DEEP/PointingGroups/butler-repo /epyc/projects/DEEP_asteroids/repo -d "*differenceExp" --collections PointingGroup008/imdiff_r/20210803T142852Z --register-dataset-types
lsst.daf.butler._butler INFO: Transferring 6174 datasets into Butler(collections=[], run=None, datastore='file:///epyc/projects/DEEP_asteroids/repo/', registry='PostgreSQL@steven_deep:public')
lsst.daf.butler.cli.utils ERROR: Caught an exception, details are in traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/epyc/projects/lsst_stacks/stacks/w.2022.06/env/lsst-w.2022.06/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1802, in _execute_context
File "/epyc/projects/lsst_stacks/stacks/w.2022.06/env/lsst-w.2022.06/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 732, in do_execute
cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: insert or update on table "dataset_tags_00000003" violates foreign key constraint "fkey_dataset_tags_00000003_visit_instrument_id_instrument_visit"
DETAIL: Key (instrument, visit)=(DECam, 891500) is not present in table "visit".
Please let me know if this is expected behavior/workflow, or if there is another method I should be using to transfer data from one repository to another.