I am interested in taking fluxes from TESS objects which are through a single bandpass, and transforming them into fluxes through the appropriate LSST filter bandpasses. Does
anyone have any thoughts on whether this can be done and if so, how to do it?
Dear Don,
Yes, calculating transforms between the LSST filter bandpasses and the TESS bandpass is indeed possible. Since we do not yet have actual LSST on-sky data yet, we would need to create a sample of synthetic photometry in the 2 photometric bandpass systems from a spectrophotometric library, like that of Pickles (1998). I have some code on GitHub which can be of use. It is a set of Jupyter notebooks that convert to/from the Dark Energy Survey grizy system, but can be converted to use with the LSST ugrizy system. They are here: GitHub - DouglasLeeTucker/TransformEqns: Code for transforming between astronomical photometric equations . If you would like some help with this, we have drop-in office hour help sessions every other Thursday at 9AM US Pacific Time (see: DP0 Delegate Assemblies Schedule — DP0 the next drop-in session is this coming Thursday, November 21), or, if that does not work for you, we might be able to arrange something separately.
Thanks Doug, we will take a look and get back to you; much appreciated.
Dear @dkw , could we mark Douglas’s response as the solution for this post? Feel free to follow up if you still have questions!
Hi @dkw! Thanks for your interest in this topic. We are wondering if we can mark Douglas’s response as the solution? If yes this will help other users with a similar question, please let us know!