Updating the data release/preview schedule in the RTN-011 with the latest estimated timelines


Slides from AAS where shared on slack recently that had a revised timeline for the data previews (slide 36). In early March, UK STFC funding grants are due. Would it be possible to update RTN-011 so it has this new schedule? It would help in the justification of the timeline and show that there will be LSST flowing in 2026.


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Pinging @leanne , who’s listed first in the RTN-011 author list. Thanks…


An update to RTN-011 is in progress, it will be issued very shortly. Apologies for the delay.

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Thanks, @leanne . I know there’s a lot going on right now. Having this by sometime in mid-February would be helpful.

I’m expecting to get it out this week

@mschwamb RTN-011 v6.0 is issued. See RTN-011 v6.0: Rubin Plans for an Early Science Program . Thank you for your patience.