User table upload to qserv

Continuing the discussion from Upload table and use in query:

Is there any update on being able to upload a table as a user table and then submitting an SQL query making use of that in a qserv query eg

select * from myUploadedTable as m, Object as o where m.objectId=o.objectId

I think the current approach is still to upload to the RSP and then form a WHERE IN query.
Apologies if I’ve missed development on this.
@fritzm @george_beckett

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This post relates to my use case.
I want to join a table I upload of catalogue objects to a native table on the platform. In this particular instance using a SQL JOIN clause as I have Gaia ids that are in one of the tables. I can imagine other use cases where an ADQL nearest neighbour match would be useful.

Hi @MRead and @AndyJWil, the upload functionality is only available for the DP0.3 TAP service at the moment. If you are working with DP0.3, please refer to these tutorials: a Portal version and a NB version.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks, this is data stored in qserv, so DP0.2 like. I think DP0.3 is postgresSQL so possibly easier to implement in that TAP.

Thanks for your question on this @MRead , I’m going to go ahead and mark Yumi’s reply as the solution, but please feel free to post if you have more follow up questions.

Hi @ryanlau , I suppose it would be good to know a solution for qserv TAP is still in the works and likely timescale for rolling it out.

Hi @MRead, thanks for clarifying. I’m not sure if there’s a solution for qserv TAP (i.e. DP0.2), but I will ask around. @galaxyumi331, perhaps you might know the answer?

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My understanding is that the RSP team is working on adding upload to Qserv and its TAP service. I don’t know if there is a likely timeline for rolling it out.