Since I am new to this form, I will briefly introduce myself. My name is Alex Thomas and I’m a rising senior in the UCSB Experimental Cosmology Group doing astrophysics research under Dr. Philip Lubin. We’ve been working for four years to develop our own transient detection pipeline and we’re hoping comparisons to your pipeline will enable us to improve our own or even remove the need for our own pipeline. We use our pipeline to analyze pre-processed data coming from the Los Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCO) and we’re working towards gathering our own data using 0.5-meter and/or 1-meter telescopes in parallel to create large scale surveys. We’re hoping to install the LSST pipeline and rubin-sim software to compare with our own internal pipeline and skymaker. We currently use skymaker for most simulations as its easily learnable by undergraduate researchers and taught in our courses but rubin_sim may be an alternative.
I’ve been having serious trouble installing lsst and rubin_sim and wanted to establish a line of communication to get it operational, and better understand the capabilities of your pipeline. Is there a time I could meet with members of your team to help me get these operation? We have multiple machines with different operating systems and hardware available so I’m sure we can use something that meets LSST requirements. Please let me know when would be convenient for you. Thank you for your help.