Variance rescaling issue in assembleCoadd for dense fields

I’m running the assembleCoadd task on images from DECam using version w.2022.06 of the pipelines. The images are of very dense fields in the galactic plane. I am finding that for some of the visits and detectors, processing fails due to the variance re-scaling factor (from warp to coadd) becoming too large (>10, the configurable limit). For some detectors, the processing succeeds, but the scaling factor found seems large (from processing logs):

lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Renormalizing variance by 6.668616
lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Renormalizing variance by 5.655051

and for some the processing fails:

lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Pixel-based variance rescaling factor (529.884715) exceeds configured limit (10.000000); trying image-based method
lsst.assembleCoadd: Unable to rescale variance of warp (Variance rescaling factor (527.710998) exceeds configured limit (10.000000)); leaving it as-is
lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Pixel-based variance rescaling factor (841.338161) exceeds configured limit (10.000000); trying image-based method
lsst.assembleCoadd: Unable to rescale variance of warp (Variance rescaling factor (842.515557) exceeds configured limit (10.000000)); leaving it as-is
lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Pixel-based variance rescaling factor (732.610963) exceeds configured limit (10.000000); trying image-based method
lsst.assembleCoadd: Unable to rescale variance of warp (Variance rescaling factor (734.059905) exceeds configured limit (10.000000)); leaving it as-is

In comparison for a set of extragalactic (sparser) fields I am also processing, the rescaling factor is <1:

lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Renormalizing variance by 0.759862
lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Renormalizing variance by 0.770071
lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Renormalizing variance by 0.683306
lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Renormalizing variance by 0.679214
lsst.assembleCoadd.scaleWarpVariance: Renormalizing variance by 0.709469

I am not sure what is causing the problem, but it seems to be quite a normal occurance as ~50% of the detectors face this issue. (The 50% number might be double counting some, I’m not sure.) I’ll be proceeding with doScaleWarpVariance: false to avoid this issue, as it might not be critical for our science case. I saw this post about variance re-scaling which might be good reading for me, but posting this as an “FYI” and in-case anyone has thoughts about this.