About the first on-sky ComCam image released

Continuing the discussion from Locations of Target Fields Observed during On-sky Commissioning Campaign with ComCam:

What are the coordinates of the image? Are they one of those mentioned in the post above? What was the exposure time?

I’m referring to this image:

ComCam Engineering Test Image

What were the filters used? Why was the image ruined with text over it? Why is the resolution four times smaller, that is, 2k x 2k in each square?


Hi @rggerk, thank you for your post! We are consulting with members of the Commissioning team and will follow up soon.

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Hi @rggerk , this was a 30 sec exposure taken in the r band. The following note in astronomy.net


has more information, including the coordinates of the center, which I’ll copy here:

Center (RA, Dec):	(354.755, -25.724)
Center (RA, hms):	23h 39m 01.231s
Center (Dec, dms):	-25° 43' 28.151"

The image contained overlaid text at the request of the funding agencies to ensure it would not be mistaken for a Rubin first light image release. It needed to be clear that it was a test image from a test camera.

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