Locations of Target Fields Observed during On-sky Commissioning Campaign with ComCam

Rubin Observatory is sharing the central pointing coordinates for six target fields observed during the on-sky commissioning campaign using the Commissioning Camera (ComCam). The intent is that this information will help the science community to prepare for the Early Science Program (RTN-011) and will enable near-contemporaneous observations with other facilities.

The on-sky commissioning campaign with ComCam began on 24 Oct 2024 and is currently planned to conclude in mid December. Technical updates on the progress of the campaign are shared on the LSST Community Forum with the #commissioning-update tag and on the LSSTC Slack on the #commissioning-updates channel.

ICRS coordinates are shared in units of decimal degrees below.

Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS)
(ra, dec) = (53.13, -28.10)

Euclid Deep Field South (EDFS)
(ra, dec) = (59.10, -48.73)

Low Ecliptic Latitude Field (Rubin SV 38 7)
(ra, dec) = (37.86, 6.98)

Low Galactic Latitude Field (Rubin SV 95 -25)
(ra, dec) = (95.00, -25.00)

47 Tuc Globular Cluster (47 Tuc)
(ra, dec) = (6.02, -72.08)

Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Fornax dSph)
(ra, dec) = (40.00, -34.45)