DM Boot camp 2019

We are happy to announce a 2019 DM Boot camp Nov 12-14


We are organizing another boot camp, inspired by the 2015 bootcamp, with new updated material.


The DM DRP team has grown by 3 team members. The talks from the last boot camp have served as valuable reference material for the DM team, but a lot about the stack has changed since our last boot camp. It’s time for a refresh.


  • Lectures will be remotely streamed: Launch Meeting - Zoom
  • Hands-on tutorials will be at Princeton University, however other institutions are welcome to locally organize as well.


Tutorials and lectures will be lead by current DM team members. They are geared towards the new scientists who have joined the DRP team. Attendance is open to everyone from all corners of LSST, but note that the material will be aimed at the level of new DM team members.


When: All times EST
vimeo password: 3gigapix!

Tuesday November 12: Intro to DM and the stack

2:00 Intro to Bootcamp and Intro to DM (Slides @yusra)
2:30 System Architecture (@ktl ;Slides ; video)
3:15 (15 min break)
3:30 afw, key data structures, (@jbosch; slides; video)
4:15 Documentation: How to find it and how to write it (@jsick; slides; video)

Tutorial: Modifying existing code. Updating documentation (Tuesday afternoon PST, Wednesday morning 10am-1pm EST. Remote sites on your own)

Wednesday, November 13: Gen 3

2:00 …documentation continued (@jsick; video)
2:10 What is a Task and how to write one (@yusra; notebook; video)
2:35 How to write a PipelineTask and Pipeline (@natelust ; ; video-dropbox)
3:30 (15 min break)
3:45 Interacting with the Gen 3 Butler (@jbosch; notebook; video)
4:30 Gen3 Obs Packages and Metadata Translation (@timj; slides)
4:45 How to create a new LSST obs package (@parejkoj) (Tim+John’s video dropbox)

Tutorial: Writing a task (Wednesday afternoon PST, Thursday morning 10am-1pm EST. Remote sites on your own)*

Thursday, November 14: Workflow and Productivity

2:00: Eups (@rhl)
2:30 Advanced Git (@natelust)
3:15 (15 min break)
3:30: Squash and how to write a metric (@KSK )
4:00 DevOps, packaging, flake8, Travis, github, Jenkins, test coverage tools. (@timj)
4:30 Text editor and shell environment productivity hacks. gitconfig, .bashrc (slides VSCode and bash-git-prompt)


Here are slides from the “Documentation: How to find it and how to write it” session.

2019-11-12 Documentation Bootcamp.pdf (1.6 MB)

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