The DM Science Pipelines team has a few new team members as of this summer. The talks and docs from the last boot camp have served as valuable reference material for the DM team, and it’s time for a refresh.
Hands-on tutorials will be at University of Washington and Princeton University, however other institutions are welcome to locally organize as well.
Tutorials and lectures will be lead by current DM team members. They are geared towards the new scientists who have joined the Science Pipelines Team. Attendance is open to everyone from all corners of Rubin, but note that the material will be aimed at the level of new DM team members.
When: All times PDT
Tuesday June 28: Talks 10-12:30
hands on cowork (Tues afternoon PDT or Wed morning EDT)
Wednesday June 29: Talks 10-12:30
hands on cowork (Wed afternoon PDT or Thurs morning EDT)
Thursday June 30: Talks 10-12:30
On the West Coast hands-on co-work will take place in the afternoon, on the East coast hands-on co-work will take place in the morning.
There are instructions for calibration construction available here: Constructing calibrations — LSST Science Pipelines I’m happy to present an introduction to that during the bootcamp if there is interest and time.
I am very interested by that time Thursday morning 10 am EDT (which make 4 PM CET - Paris time if I am not wrong).
I will attend this coding session.
Thanks you and see you soon.
A little question about yesterday’s talk: Intro to PipelineTask and Pipelines, There are many config file in the folder obs_package. For example obs_subaru/config, in which files like, What’s the difference between the config like in DRP.yaml or that in the obs_subaru/config?
And will the slides be available? some link named here may be useful.
Thank you!
The configs in the obs_packages get applied before the ones in the Pipeline yamls. In other words, the ones in the pipeline yamls can overwrite the ones in the obs_package configs.
If you have a config that should be applied every time a task is run (i.e. both AP and DRP flavored pipelines) with data for that camera, you should put it in the obs_package/config. If it should only be applied in a particular pipeline (say the HSC-RC2 reruns), then it should go in the Pipeline yaml.