DM Monthly Status Report for April 2021

The DM monthly status report covering April activities has been posted to the DocuShare, collection-8803. For convenience, the High-level Summary is pasted below. Direct link to the full report: DocuShare Authorization Error

High-level Summary

Community Interactions, Meetings and Workshops

DM PM was on SOC of the LIneA 10-year anniversary workshop April 13-15. There was a good Rubin session with US, French and UK Data Facilities represented in addition to many potential IDAC contributors (including Brazil).

April 13-16 also saw the SAAC and Rubin Network meeting which was attended by IT Chile.

The third virtual photo-z forum with the science community regarding which photo-z estimator(s) should be adopted to generate photometric redshifts for the LSST Data Release (DR) Object catalog was held. This wraps up the first series of forums to gather input on the proposed selection criteria. These forums will recommence in May when we move to the next phase.

Technical Progress

DMTN-108 has been updated in a first attempt to formulate new security requirements. The DM Team’s use of and culture around the Slack tool were documented in the Developer Guide.

A Difference Imaging Analysis (DIA) track was added to the Data Release Production Pipeline. It generates good-seeing templates, subtracts them from images, detects and measures DIASources, and performs forced photometry on the image differences at the centroids of Objects. These tasks are now run by default in CI (ci_hsc_gen3) and in the biweekly DRP reprocessing of precursor datasets.

A pipeline for associating objects detected on difference images to known Solar System objects was created.

The coaddition task now records which visits have contributed to each pixel. This was a precursor step to producing selection/survey maps.

Enhancements to the Qserv database continued including ingest workflow improvements and a more robust query cancelation system. New reduced-footprint Qserv Docker containers were adopted for use with Github Actions CI, and these also saw their first successful deployments under Kubernetes.

A prototype client/server Butler was demonstrated, paving the way for Butler access in service and non-staff user environments.

A Butler repository of test data has been curated and is available to all our Science Platform deployments to allow our demo notebooks to run everywhere. Meanwhile, a major release of the Science Platform was staged for integration testing.

At the Data Facility, new condor flock nodes added while the slurm cluster shrunk by 15 nodes. New releases in coordination with camera were made on summit services such as the OODS, Forwarder, archiver and headerservice for opensplice. A plot generation website was deployed for external access on the NCSA resource Radiant.