DP0 delegate assembly 11/10/2023 - Notebook Accessibility Hackathon

Hello all,

Please join us on Friday, Nov 10 at 9 a.m. Pacific (2023-11-10T17:00:00Z) for an Accessibility Hackathon on Notebooks. The first hour will feature a presentation by Jenn Kotler (Space Telescope Science Institute, MAST, Notebooks for all) about Jupyter notebook accessibility and accessible authoring practices. The presentation will be followed at 10 a.m. Pacific (2023-11-10T18:00:00Z) by breakout sessions where attendees can get assistance in implementing these techniques in their own notebooks. Delegates are welcome to join at any time (e.g., just for a breakout session).

For those interested, the following recording features Jenn and Patrick Smyth (Iota School) discussing this topic at JupyterCon2023:

Get Zoom connection info at ls.st/dp0-events 3.

For other upcoming events, see the full schedule for DP0 virtual seminars

During the first half of the delegate assembly on November 10th, 2023, Jenn Kotler ( Space Telescope Science Institute, MAST, Notebooks for all ) gave a presentation about Jupyter Notebook accessibility and authoring practices. Jenn’s slides can be found at the following link:

During the second half of the assembly, participants gathered in breakout rooms to go over Jupyter notebooks using the accessible authoring checklist provided by Jenn and discussed issues found as well as other topics such as data sofinication.

A recording of the session can be found in the following Zoom recording: