DP0 Delegate Assembly, Fri Oct 20: SSSC Mini-Sprint Preparation (Meg Schwamb)

All are invited to join this week’s Special Delegate Assembly.

Solar System Science Collaboration Mini-Sprint Preparation
Guest presenter Meg Schwamb is going to go through some additional examples of plotting the full set simulated DP0.3 detections with seaborn.

Fri Oct 20 at 9am Pacific (2023-10-20T16:00:00Z).

Zoom connection: ls.st/dp0-events

As usual, the presentation will be given in the first hour (9am), with the second hour (10am) dedicated to breakout rooms and general assistance (Q&A) with Rubin staff. All are welcome for one or both hours.

Additional resources:

Today Meg presented two notebooks that demonstrate how to use the seaborn python package to make plots suitable for visualizing tens of thousands to tens of millions of data points from the DP0.3 catalogs.

Resources: Meg’s GitHub repo containing the notebooks presented today: GitHub - mschwamb/DP0.3_example_notebooks: Personal DP0.3 example notebooks
