Galactic plane science in Data Preview 0?

Although this topic ( does emphasize that the DC2 data set was created for extragalactic science goals, to what degree will DP0 include the Galactic plane? How well will crowded field photometry be represented in the release? Will the Galaxy be represented more thoroughly in future DP instances?

As described in the DESC’s DC2 paper, especially Tables 2 and 3 and Figure 2, the DC2 simulation spans from RA of 50 to 75 degrees, and Dec of -27.5 to -45 degrees. The Galactic latitude closest to zero is about -35 degrees, in other words, |b|>35 deg. Furthermore, about 10% of the stars in the DC2 simulation have some variability (periodic and aperiodic). Since future data previews will be based on real commissioning data from Rubin Observatory, the Galactic plane will feature more prominently in the future. DP0 delegates who do not find the simulated data set to hold many objects of scientific relevance would still benefit from learning to use the Rubin Science Platform in advance of commissioning.

Further questions or comments about Galactic science with DP0 are welcome here as replies in this thread.