- Survey Cadence
We would like to propose a discussion on the recent survey cadence simulations and their impact on SC science (suggested by the DESC Survey Coordination working group, led by Philippe Gris and Jeff Newman).
- What is the policy / process for bulk data transfers? How does data get transferred to the community in bulk?
We propose a discussion on both technical and policy/process aspects that are necessary to support bulk data transfers, and the conditions for when/how bulk data transfers will occur.
The Rubin Data Policy (RDO-13) states:
“DPOL-512 Bulk Downloads: Rubin Observatory expects to support bulk data download services for significant fractions of the proprietary or public data through a process to be determined in the future. Rubin Observatory reserves the right to charge for the full cost of providing this service or to restrict access to this capability for policy or programmatic reasons.”
We are interested to learn more about current plans for this process, as well as possibilities for commissioning/testing this method of data access. This was developed within the DESC computing and technical coordinator teams.
- Developing guidance for IDACs and their engagement with SCs
We propose a session on the Rubin IDACs and how Science Collaborations should be engaging with the IDAC proposals from groups closely associated with their science.
Can IDACs provide specific processing/simulation/analysis needs to particular SCs in addition to login node/resources to the general Rubin science community?
How should requests for computing be processed, with or without Rubin oversight? This suggestion originated from the DESC computing coordinator team.
- Collaboration between Rubin Observatory and Science Community to inform LSST Data Releases
Discussion on the process through which Rubin Observatory and the Science Community will collaborate to scientifically validate pipelines and data products with the goal of informing LSST data releases during Operations.
How can the science community most effectively provide input during LSST Operations that will influence ongoing development of Science Pipelines and the Alert Production and Data Release Processing campaigns for LSST Data Releases? How can the science community iterate on development and testing together with Rubin Observatory?
Some of the plans for these interactions are described in the “Model for Community Science” (RTN-006), e.g., in Section 2.4 “Interfaces Within the Rubin Community” and Section 2.5 “Coordinating Expertise”.
In order for the community to provide the most timely and specific input, it would be helpful to define some set of common data products that both the Project and (at least some representatives of) the science community have access to for the purpose of testing and iteration on a faster cadence than the planned ~annual data releases. For example, if a new algorithm / pipeline configuration is being considered for an upcoming survey-scale DRP processing campaign that may take months to complete, it would be helpful for (at least some representatives of) the science community to be able to analyze example data products / performance diagnostics. Relative to the timeline for preparing an LSST data release, when is input from the science community actionable?
A description of internal Project plans for survey-scale DRP data process campaigns, including pilot processing runs and plans for QA, might be helpful context for the discussion.
The spirit of the conversation is to better understand how the science community can help to reduce the risk that an LSST Data Release has some substantially compromised scientific utility. This collaboration could take many different forms.
In a scenario where normative Project construction requirements are met, but released data products are not viable for certain science cases and/or the science community has identified opportunities to enhance data products through modified data processing / operational procedures, how should this feedback be communicated to the Rubin Observatory and what process will Rubin Observatory use to respond in the LSST Operations era?
- Status of PSF modeling
We propose a session to discuss the status of PSF modeling capabilities both in the DM science pipelines (i.e. PIFF) and in external development. Of particular interest for DESC are efforts to model/correct for the chromatic dependence of PSF size, which has been shown to introduce significant shear bias if unaccounted for. Proposed by Claire-Alice Hebert and Erin Sheldon