Using and installing miniconda I keep running into
"Unable to find an acceptable version of "
I am reinstalling the stack since my installation is old (and performing a new installation would put me in a better place to help members of my SC that are new at this). Nonetheless, I think I removed all old packages and env vars that I had installed previously and I reinstalled from scratch using
I am working on an empty dir and there are no LSST env variables lying around that I can tell.
At what point in the process do you get the Unable to find an acceptable veresion of <package> error? When you run eups distrib install <package> or when you run setup <package>?
(sorry… I now see that you have answered this question)
Running source loadLSST.bash sets up an LSST-friendly environment, but doesn’t actually install anything. You need to run eups distrib install sims_maf -t sims to actually install MAF on your computer. Then setup sims_maf -t sims ought to work.
Note: installing MAF takes between 1 and 2 hours on a MacBook.
I would expect the output from eups list sims_maf to include a line like this
2.3.5.sims+2 sims sims_2_3_5_1
If you are still getting the error you reported, I would just be interested to see what eups list sims_maf produces, since the error you reported is consistent with not having MAF installed at all.
I am not sure how versioning information on is stored. I would not expect an out of date to produce the bug you reported (I am working with a that is at least a year old, and everything runs fine).
Unable to find an acceptable version of <package> means that no version is current. Does eups list <package> show any versions? If so, try setup <package> <version> and if that works you can make it the default (“current”) with eups declare --current <package> <versions> after which setup <package> will work.
We try to avoid needing current for the sims stack. That is why we append the -t sims tag to every release we make, so that users can do setup lsst_sims -t sims.
@RHL Right - “no acceptable versions” shows up if BOTH no version is set as current AND you do not use a tag to set up the package. Because sims uses a different DM release than is usually marked as “current” for DM, we do not automatically mark a version current (and we don’t direct our users to either, because it’s easier to just tell them to use “-t sims” to set up each package).