Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) August 2020 Update

An brief update on SSSC (Solar System Science Collaboration) happenings over the past two months. A more detailed version will be sent out to the SSSC listserv.

LSST Solar System Readiness (Virtual) Sprint 3 - In June, we held our first virtual Readiness Sprint. 55 attendees participated. You can find all the talk slides and videos on the sprint website.

SSSC EDI Discussion - On August 24 9-11 am PDT, the SSSC will have a virtual Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Discussion. We will have introductory talks by representatives from the DPS Subcommittee on Professional Culture and Climate, the DPS Professional Development Subcommittee, and COINS [the Committee On INclusion in SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) (COINS) ]. The remaining time will be to brainstorm direct actions the SSSC can take to make a more inclusive and diverse collaboration.

Rubin Observatory Community Support for Science Open Survey - The newly established Rubin Observatory Community Engagement Team is looking for feedback to help inform future user support activities and tools. Please fill out this form and share your thoughts by August 31, 2020.

Rubin Observatory Survey Cadence Optimization Committee -This is the committee that will recommend the LSST survey cadence to the Rubin Observatory Director. The SCOC’s charge can be found here. A summary of the SCOC process and membership can be found here. Meg is the SCOC liaison to the SSSC. We’ll have more details in September about how the SSSC plans to give feedback to the SCOC and digest the survey strategy report (see below).

Survey Strategy and Cadence Choices for LSST Report- Lynne Jones and her team have published their survey strategy report on the results from their cadence simulations. If you want to share questions, comments, and feedback now, there is a thread on you can post to that includes all the Solar System plots in the cadence report.

Rubin Observatory Project and Community Workshop (PCW) - All the live and pre-recorded talks from last week are available at

Rubin Euclid Derived Data Products Working Group - Siegfried Eggl is representing the SSSC/Solar System perspective on the working group that will recommend joint derived data products that can be developed with Rubin+Euclid observations.

LSSTC Funding - The SSSC was awarded funding in the latest LSSTC Enabling Science Call to help support travel for the next in-person readiness sprint, if it’s possible to hold the Sprint in person in 2021.

Rubin Observatory Information Booklet - As part of the Rubin Observatory PCW, the Rubin Community Engagement Team and Communications Team has developed an Information Booklet, an introduction to Rubin Observatory/LSST terminology

Impact of Satellite Constellations - At the end of July was the Satellite Constellations 1 (SATCON1) virtual workshop. The SSSC was represented by Michele Bannister,Outer Solar System Working Group Lead. Public talk slides can be found here.