DP0.2 Kick-Off Info Session slides & pre-recorded presentation

There will be three live virtual DP0.2 Kick-Off Info Sessions for new delegates, held at different times on different days to enable global participation.

Find the schedule and Zoom connection information in the here in the DP0.2 documentation.

It is mandatory for all new DP0.2 delegates to attend one of these three hour-long live virtual sessions or watch the recording; find the slides and a short pre-recorded version of the kick-off info session below.

Kick-Off Info Sessions with Q&A (Jul 2022).pdf (1.5 MB)

Short version of the mandatory presentation for all new DP0 delegates (13 min):

The full version of the kick-off info session contains more DP0 context and a fuller demonstration of how to use the RSP and the DP0-related support resources (40 min):